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Financial Preparations For Disabled Elderly

Financial Preparations For Disabled Elderly

The disability of a family member, especially an elderly parent, is a challenging situation. Such situation affects the different aspects of the parent’s life as well as those of his children. It is the responsibility of the adult offspring to make sure that the disabled parent will receive the proper care he needs.

In caring for a parent with disability, it is important for the family to prepare financially. From the medications that your elderly needs to the payment of services from a health care center in Miami FL, these scenarios can definitely drain his pockets and probably yours, too. Here are some ways on how you can prepare financially for his disability.


You might want to have your disabled parent meet with your family lawyer to create a will or a special power of attorney as well as special future instructions. Through these documents, your parent allows you to make financial decisions related to long-term care on his behalf if he is incapable of doing so. You will also know what your parent wants, like future hospitalization services.

Discussions about money

You need to discuss with your parent how much money is necessary in order to manage their disability. You must ask him how he intends to use the money. Base your short term financial decisions on his answers.

Financial assistance

Most of the time, the government will provide financial assistance to senior citizens. In this case, you should ask your disabled parent about any government financial assistance that he is currently enjoying, as well as non-government ones. You can incorporate such assistance into the budget. This prevents your family from experiencing financial difficulties in the long run.

If your parent is not enjoying any assistance due to certain reasons, such as not being old enough to receive any government pension, you should help him in applying for disability grants, instead. Just a heads up, though, the processing of papers for disability grants may take a few months to a few years.

Health insurance

You also have to check the insurance plan that the elderly has. Aside from that, you must know the extent of disability that the insurance policy covers and the list of providers that are under the plan.

Local aging services

Most communities have certain activities that senior citizens and those with disabilities can enjoy. These activities may include providing meals and transportation to these community members. In this case, you should check out your local community to see if your elderly can take advantage of similar services.

We at Aztek Nursing Registry, Inc. specializes in providing disability care for your family member. Call us now!

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